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Saturday, 5 November 2011

Develop a java program to generate the Electricity bill. The program have three member functions, Getdata(): to accept the block number, flat name, name and number of units, Calc(): calculate the total cost, Display(): display the bill in proper format ( name, units , total charges). If the total is greater than RM 150 then additional surcharge 15% is added (by Fikri Fieda)

import java.util.*;
class ebill
public static void main (String args[])
customerdata ob = new customerdata();


class customerdata
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
Scanner ins = new Scanner (;
String cname,fname;
int bn;
double units,tbill;

void Getdata()
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter block number = ");
bn = in.nextInt();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter flate name = ");
fname = ins.nextLine();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter customer name = ");
cname = ins.nextLine();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter total consumed units = ");
units = in.nextDouble();

void Calc()
if (units<100)
else if (units>100 && units<300)
if (tbill>150)

void Display()
System.out.println ("\n\t Customer name = "+cname);
System.out.println ("\n\t Total units = "+units);
System.out.println ("\n\t Total bill = RM "+tbill);

Write a class name employee. This class should hold the employee's details such as employee id,name,gender,salary and position. Write a member function to input all these details and displaying the information on the screen. Supply another member function to calculate the net salary for an employee (by Syuhadah razak)

import java.util.*;
class employee
public static void main (String args[])
employeeinfo ob = new employeeinfo();


class employeeinfo
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
Scanner ins = new Scanner (;
String name,gender,position;
int id,salary,ma,hr,bn;

void get()
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter employee ID = ");
id = in.nextInt();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter emplyee name = ");
name = ins.nextLine();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter employee gender = ");
gender = ins.nextLine();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter employee salary = ");
salary = in.nextInt();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter employee position = ");
position = ins.nextLine();

void totalsalary()
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter medical allowance = ");
ma = in.nextInt();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter house rent = ");
hr = in.nextInt();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter bounus = ");
bn = in.nextInt();

void display()
System.out.println ("\n\t Employee ID = "+id);
System.out.println ("\n\t Employee name = "+name);
System.out.println ("\n\t Employee gender = "+gender);
System.out.println ("\n\t Employee basic salary = "+salary);
System.out.println ("\n\t Employee position/post = "+position);
System.out.println ("\n\t Total salary = "+(ma+hr+bn+salary));


Write a program that store (a, e, i, o and u) in string data type. Then ask the user to enter a string of characters. then the program should count the number of vowels in that string (by Tieqa)

import java.util.*;
class charvowels
public static void main (String args[])
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
char vowels[] = new char[10];
String str;
char c1,c2;
int t=0;

vowels[0] = 'A';
vowels[1] = 'a';
vowels[2] = 'E';
vowels[3] = 'e';
vowels[4] = 'I';
vowels[5] = 'i';
vowels[6] = 'O';
vowels[7] = 'o';
vowels[8] = 'U';
vowels[9] = 'u';

System.out.print ("\n\t Enter the string = ");

System.out.print ("\n\n\t Vowels in the string = ");
for (int i=0;i<str.length();++i)
for (int j=0;j<10;++j)
if (c1==vowels[j])
System.out.print (" "+c1);

System.out.println ("\n\t Total number of vowels = "+t);

Java program to create an ARRAY of 5 STRINGS. The program finds and displays the total number of vowels (both uppercase and lowercase) in all five strings by (Adler Lawn Service, LLC)

import java.util.*;
class vowels
public static void main (String args[])
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
String n="",n1,n2,n3,n4,n5;
char c;
int r=1;

System.out.print ("\n\t Enter first name of first person = ");
n1 = in.nextLine();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter first name of second person = ");
n2 = in.nextLine();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter first name of third person = ");
n3 = in.nextLine();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter first name of fourth person = ");
n4 = in.nextLine();
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter first name of fifth person = ");
n5 = in.nextLine();

while (r<6)
if (r==1)
System.out.print ("\n\n\t Vowels in first person's name = ");
else if (r==2)
System.out.print ("\n\n\t Vowels in second person's name = ");
else if (r==3)
System.out.print ("\n\n\t Vowels in third person's name = ");
else if (r==4)
System.out.print ("\n\n\t Vowels in fourth person's name = ");
else if (r==5)
System.out.print ("\n\n\t Vowels in fifth person's name = ");
System.out.println ();

for (int i=0;i<n.length();++i)
switch (c)
case 'A':
case 'a':
System.out.print (" "+c);
case 'E':
case 'e':
System.out.print (" "+c);
case 'I':
case 'i':
System.out.print (" "+c);
case 'O':
case 'o':
System.out.print (" "+c);
case 'U':
case 'u':
System.out.print (" "+c);
System.out.print ("");


