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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Java program to calculate electricity bill

import java.util.*;
class bill
public static void main (String arg[])
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
int a,b=0,c=1;
while (c<=6)
System.out.print ("\n\t Enter bill of month no "+c+" = ");
int avg=b/6;
System.out.println ("\n\t Average bill = "+avg);
if (avg>5000)
System.out.println ("\n\t Government will pay ");
System.out.println ("\n\t Paid ");


  1. windowed application thatwill input your weight in pounds and convert into kilograms. display(y/n) use function

  2. i want to find "show even and odd" programe.
    plzz can u help me ..!!
    with the help of loop.

  3. Here is the link for finding even and odd numbers
    Click here

    If you have any problem, please let us know.

    The JAVA PROGRAMS team

  4. Suppose that electricity costs 4.75 cents per kilowatt hour, and that a surcharge
    of 10% is added to the bill. A city utility tax is 3% is also levied;however no tax
    is charged on the surcharge, and no surcharge is added for the tax. A penalty for a
    late payment is 4% of the total bill. Write a program that computes an electric bill.

  5. i have a problem i write a program of electric bill on resdential rate,commercial rate,industiralrate if i want to enter another bill the reptition not doing well

    1. Send your problem and source code at
      We will send you solution in few hours.

  6. i need to calculate an electricity bill with different slots using java guide me........thanks n advance

  7. i need to calculate an electricity bill (electricy bill based upon the units consumed)with different slots using javaarrays guide me........thanks n advance

    1. OK send me
      cost per unit
      charges after due date
      and what do you mean by slots?

  8. thanks for ur reply,,
    i need to get the cost per unit charges and i should not use it or give it in the if loop thats my problem
    and i mean the slots in the sense -the ranges between the readings...for ex........if i have 300 as readings i need to split it into different slots as first 50 for some cost and next 100 and it goes on till i complete the reading.

  9. sir i m java learner how can i find hesco bill while my requierments are

    (((Write a program to show ur Hesco bill you only enter the units 1 to 100 units bill Rs:5/unit, 101 to 200 units bill Rs:10/unit 201 to 300 units bill is Rs:15/unit?))))

  10. please send me electric bill project in java language plz plz plz,email:

  11. plz give me source code for online mobile contributor plz mam
    plz mam help to make a project of online mobile contributor

